What if we stopped hiding our garbage and did the opposite? What if we put our trash on display and made it the center of attention? Could this positively change something within us, in regard to our relationship with ourselves and our waste?

This is the idea behind Kompier’s design philosophy of “waste wisely.” Using the Cradle to Cradle principle of a circular economy, Kompier uses recycled paper, plaster, and kitchen waste such as eggshells, orange, pomelo and lemon peels, and rice glue as their main materials. By contrasting different paper colors and showcasing the eye-catching terrazzo structure of the waste, Kompier highlights the beauty in something that is often seen as a burden.

This approach to design challenges our preconceived notions about waste and encourages us to think differently about how we can use it in innovative and sustainable ways. By putting our garbage on display and transforming it into something beautiful, we can change our perception of waste and begin to see it as a valuable resource.


